So what does it mean to be Google-friendly?
Although the phrase “Google-friendly website” may sound a bit vague, it just refers to a website that has been built so that that is easy for Google’s technology (algorithms) to “read” and index.
Why do I need to build a “friendly” website?
Well, if your website isn’t built correctly, finding it on Google is much like finding a needle in a haystack. However, with the right processes in place, you can thread apiece of string through the eye of the needle, place it in the haystack, and lead the other end of the string to the outside of the haystack. This way, visitors can follow the string to the needle they need (your website).
There are a set of steps or processes every owner, designer or search engine optimisation team can perform in developing a website to make sure the Google algorithms pick it up and index it correctly. We’ll cover some of the basics here.
The Google Ranking Method
Google uses a method called PageRank to analyse and place every web page on the correct index page when showing search results. Some of the key things the PageRank considers is how popular a web page is, and how many other pages link to it. The lowest score is PR0, while the highest is PR10.
For example, have you ever wondered why Wikipedia often appears at the top of Google searches? Because it is so regularly visited and is so frequently referenced on other websites (among other reasons), it has a high PageRank. So, for many search terms, it will appear very high on the list of search results in Google. By comparison, sites that are rarely visited and aren’t linked to by other web pages will rank much lower in the search results.
How do I increase my PageRank?
There are a lot of ways. Firstly, the keywords you use within the title of your website and the content on the web pages are very important.
So, if you sell knitting supplies and you are located in Sydney, then you probably want your website to index on a first Google search results page for the keyword string (or search term) “knitting supplies Sydney.”
This means that you must include this keyword string, with the words in this exact order, in your website (both in the content and coding). Although you can start by re-writing your website content using this keyword string at least a couple of times per page, this alone is often not enough – particularly if you are in a competitive industry. To guarantee that you rank well, it is usually best to speak to your developer about your options.
One of the other very effective ways to increase your PageRank is to create more inbound links to your site by creating a separate blog, or by writing articles and blog posts (or even creating videos) for other websites. You can include links in these articles back to your website.
By providing interesting, relevant information elsewhere on the web, with links back to your site, you provide people with a compelling reason to go to your website. With both an increased number of links and visits, you can increase your PageRank.
Too Much of a Good Thing…
It’s a fine balance between getting links to your website and writing keyword string-rich content, and looking like you’re trying to outsmart Google. Nobody likes being outsmarted – it’s not very friendly, and Google can actually penalise you if it thinks you’re overdoing it. So take baby steps if you’re going it alone.
In fact, a large part of being Google friendly relates to what not to do.For example, don’t copy someone else’s content.
Play Nice
To sum up, the key things to remember are: